We are fortunate to have a very active P&C association in the school. The P&C help us reach our goals by participating in decision making that relates to parents, teachers and school organisation. The P&C provides a variety of services to our school community including Outside School Hours Care, the Tuckshop, the Uniform Shop, fundraising and community events.
You are encouraged and most welcome to attend upcoming P&C meetings; these will be advertised on this page and on the P&C Facebook page.
Even if you are not able to attend P&C meetings, we encourage you to become a P&C member so you are informed by email of meeting minutes, learn what is happening in the school and have your say. Your membership with the P&C needs to be renewed yearly by completing a P&C Membership Form and submitting it each year prior to the Annual General Meeting (usually held in Term 1). It is also possible to join later in the year; contact the P&C for details of how to do this.
Research shows that children whose parents are actively engaged with their education do better and are happier at school. Being involved with the P&C shows your child that you value their education. It also gives you the opportunity to network with the principal, teachers and other parents so you can discuss issues and share your ideas and experiences.
We are always in need of volunteers to help with a variety of community events and fundraising held at the school, as well as in our busy Tuckshop. If you would like to volunteer within our school community, please complete the form Just One Thing - How Can I Help? and return it to the P&C or to our office.
Uniform Shop
The P&C operates a Uniform Shop located in Hollis Hall.
The Uniform Shop operates online via www.school24.net.au and orders are delivered to teachers' pigeonholes. For more information, please email the Uniform Shop uniform@gumdalesspc.org.au
Gumtree Eatery Tuckshop
The P&C operates a Tuckshop which is located in Hollis Hall. Current Gumtree Eatery service is:
- Monday - first break only
- Tuesday to Friday - first and second breaks
The Gumtree Eatery operates a roster of volunteers. We are always looking for people to help. It is an enjoyable day’s work where you get to meet some of the other parents as well as the children. If you are interested in finding out more, contact the Tuckshop Convenors on tuckshop@gumdalesspc.org.au.
Gumdale Outside School Hours Care
Gumdale OSHC (GOSHC) are committed to providing children with quality learning opportunities, delivered in a safe, secure and stimulating environment, while aspiring to deliver the highest standard of care. All our endeavours support the values and mission of Gumdale State School (GSS) benefiting the educational experience of all students.
GOSHC embraces the Gumdale State School philosophies of “GROW” and “Always Our Best”.
For a number of years, the P&C has actively raised substantial funds to improve the resources and opportunities for our students. You are invited to assist by offering help when requested and by participating in the events the P&C organise.
Community Events
Gumdale State School and the P&C work cooperatively to provide a number of community events, including a first day morning tea and student discos. You are encouraged to participate in these with your family and the school community.
P&C Executive
Officer bearers are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The current P&C executive members are:
President: Steven Madsen
Vice-President: Christina Cece
Treasurer: Daniel Philip
Secretary: vacant
If there are any issues or topics that you would like discussed by the P&C committee, please send an email to pandc@gumdaless.eq.edu.au