There are two Stop, Drop & Go
zones at Gumdale State School, one in the Tilley Road carpark and one along Formosa Road. The safety of our students is a priority at Gumdale State School; please be patient when using these zones. Do not park
in the Stop, Drop & Go zones at any time as this congests the flow of
traffic and blocks access to the kerb.
![Tilley Stop Drop Go.JPG](/OurSchool/MapsAndTransport/PublishingImages/our-school/maps-and-transport/stop-drop-and-go/Tilley%20Stop%20Drop%20Go.JPG)
Tilley Road Stop Drop & Go
Parking is available along Formosa Road, New Cleveland Road and Dianthus Streets. Please do not park in the local business designated car park spaces.
In the morning
Keep left while queuing for Stop, Drop & Go.
Stay in your car (this maintains a steady flow of traffic).
Children must exit cars from the kerb side only.
Store your child’s bag inside your car; no-one should open boots at the drop zone.
Give way when exiting the drop zone as cars may be circling.
In the afternoon
In the afternoon, your child waits behind school gates under our supervision. Please remind your child that they need to sit and wait quietly in this area. As you approach, we will direct your child to one of the four coloured zones for you to collect them. We will ask your child to hold their bag rather than wearing it on their backs or shoulders.
Delay your arrival to minimise traffic congestion.
Display your child’s surname clearly on your passenger sun visor.
Keep left while queuing for Stop, Drop & Go.
Children enter cars from the kerb side only.
Store bags inside the car and not in the boot.
The driver and other passengers must stay in the car.
Give way when exiting Stop, Drop & Go as cars may be circling.
If your child is not yet at Stop, Drop & Go, drive slowly through the carpark and turn right just before the exit to re-join the queue.
Instruct your child on independent seatbelt use, or park your car if you need to help them.
The Stop, Drop & Go areas are supervised until 3:15pm Monday - Friday.
If you are unable to use Stop, Drop & Go area in this manner, please park your vehicle to drop or collect your child. This includes if you need to get bags out of the back or if you need to assist your child in/out of cars or with their seatbelt.
We staff Stop, Drop & Go until 3:15 pm. If you have not collected your child by then, we take them to the office to wait for you. If this happens, you need to sign your child out. If you are delayed, please phone the school so we can let your child know and avoid unnecessary worry.
![Formosa Stop Drop G.JPG](/OurSchool/MapsAndTransport/PublishingImages/our-school/maps-and-transport/stop-drop-and-go/Formosa%20Stop%20Drop%20G.JPG)
Formosa Road Stop Drop & Go